Kianna Greene is a poet, writer, and educator.

Kianna Greene is a poet and writer living in Orlando, Florida where she teaches creative writing at the University of Central Florida.

Nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, Kianna is an alumna of The Kenyon Review’s Writers Workshop and currently serves as an Associate Poetry Editor for The Florida Review.

In her work, Kianna is specifically interested in combining elements of poetry and creative nonfiction to explore narration through a vulnerable speaker. Inspired by the redemptive nature of Christianity, Kianna uses writing as a means of reconciliation, allowing her to rebirth experiences, rewrite personal and familial history, and forgive things she can now only change with words. Currently, she is working on her first collection of poems inspired by the instinct of loneliness.

Recent Publications

Sitting Quiet” in Ruminate, Winner of The Waking’s Flash Prose Prize in Nonfiction

Creative Nonfiction

Despite its title, nothing about this story is quiet. It’s loud in language, in image, in movement, in heart. The story shows how memory swallows and spits thick–sometimes pretty but most of the time gooey & ugly–& how our relationships with people are always haunted, not just by history, but by the ghosts of who people used to be.
— J.J Peña on "Sitting Quiet"